Admission Requirements
want to shape the future ?
Individuals applying for Nurse Aide or Nurse Aide-Bilingual are required to:
- complete application to school and be interviewed by approved representative.
- be 18 years of age or over. If younger; written permission from a parent or guardian is needed.
- have a valid (current) Texas ID or driver’s license.
- present proof of having an eighth-grade education or pass the school’s entrance test with minimum score of 70.
- be in good health; able to bend, twist and lift at least 20 pounds.
- be free of communicable diseases. TB with a negative reading. (PPD skin test within the last year from the first day of clinical or chest x-ray or tuberculosis questionnaire).
- not be listed in the Nurse Aide Registry or Misconduct Registry.
- provide emergency contact information.
- inform program director or instructor if any history of seizure disorder.
- notify program director or instructor if pregnant and how far along in the pregnancy, how much weight can a student be allowed to lift. Student will need clearance from physician.
- submit to a criminal background check.